Independent Dental Solutions (IDS) is the Preferred Supply Program for PROPS Center

Posted on August 24, 2022 by
Posted in General
Independent Dental Solutions (IDS) and PROPS Center are proud to announce their new partnership. The organizations have joined forces to provide comprehensive support for the independent dental practices of Connecticut.


PROPS proudly serves the dental community in Connecticut, by helping dentists stay informed on the latest industry news, connect with their peers and access continuing education programs and other resources that will help them to better operate their practice.

Similarly, Independent Dental Solutions (a free dental buying group) has been committed to helping its independent practice owners achieve significant and sustainable cost savings on their supplies and equipment, since 2017. Today, IDS leverages the collective buying power of its more than 2,500 members to negotiate exclusive, lower pricing through their primary distribution partner, Midway Dental. IDS also offers members discounts and other benefits from its network of more than 25 other vendor partners, including direct manufacturers.

Both organizations have seen firsthand the challenges independent dentists are facing today. With nationwide staffing shortages, shrinking reimbursements and inflation driving up the costs of their supplies, it’s harder than ever for independent dental practices to remain profitable. That’s why PROPS is proud to offer its members access to IDS’s free supply and equipment program. The program provides Connecticut dentists with a simple, effective way to reduce their expenses and better navigate the road ahead.

PROPS and IDS leaders are excited to launch their new partnership and continue to provide comprehensive support for Connecticut dental practices, together.

A Message from Kathlene Gerrity, Executive Director of the PROPS Center:

“PROPS Center is very excited to begin our strategic partnership with IndepenDENT Dental Solutions. This collaboration gives Connecticut oral health professionals the ability to group purchase essential items for their practices,” said Kathlene Gerrity, Executive Director of The PROPS Center.

“We are keenly aware of the incredible pressure practices are feeling to provide optimal patient care in this economic marketplace. Leveraging the group’s purchasing power enables practices of all sizes to save money on products they use every day, improve their margins and ultimately better serve their patients. In fact, an office manager of a pediatric practice tried the portal and found 19% immediate savings on their regular purchases. I encourage you to visit to see how much your practice can save!”

A Message from Jordan Herbert, Co-Founder of Independent Dental Solutions:  

“Welcome Connecticut Dentists! On behalf of the IndepenDENT Dental Solutions team, we are looking forward to supporting your practice. We have enjoyed working with the PROPS team so far and share their passion and commitment to advance independent dentistry throughout the state.

 We are honored to form this partnership and to work together, not only to help individual dental practices succeed, but to support the society as well. We look forward to continuing to develop a strong, collaborative partnership moving forward.” 

Both organizations are excited to continue to cultivate and grow this partnership, providing Connecticut dental practices with access to the tools they need to truly thrive.


For more information on PROPS Center, please visit:

To join IDS (membership is free) click here OR for questions about IDS membership and services, please contact: [email protected]

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