They have brought me insight, expertise and knowledge that has helped me as a private practicing dentist ... They are a true partner of independent dentists, they are very honest and transparent, a group me and my colleagues can rely on and trust.
Dr. Adam Pasono, Green Bay Family Dentistry
Joining IndepenDENT Dental Solutions really changed what I was able to do with my new office… I was able to do more with IndepenDENT Dental Solutions!
Dr. Christopher Berkers
My goal is to leave dentistry in a better place than I found it for the next generation and IDS is the solution.
Stephanie Botts, RDH, BSDH, CEAS
Picture a hygienist using their power scaler with no assistance, trying to scale and suction themselves. Or an assistant placing fillings alone. Or a dentist prepping a tooth for a crown while their ...