This year has been filled with unique challenges and uncertainty, which can lead to increased stress and employee burnout. Now more than ever, strong leadership is needed to keep staff morale up. To guide your team through this tumultuous time:

Lead by Example

Your staff has always looked to you to set the tone for the office. If you come into your practice feeling stressed, they’ll pick up on it and likely feel more stressed as well. Similarly, if you come into work and focus on providing the same excellent patient care you did prior to the pandemic, your team is likely to remain cool and composed as well, no matter what challenges may arise.

Be Open & Flexible

It’s important that your team feels their needs and concerns are being addressed. To keep the lines of communication open, be sure to check in with your staff periodically to see how they’re coping, both at work and at home. Remain as flexible as possible during this time as staff may need to adjust their schedule to address unexpected shifts in their personal lives, including coordinating childcare. By being accommodating and supportive, you’re demonstrating to your team that you are committed to getting through this together.

Leverage Technology

With a significant backlog of patients in need of oral care, many practices are busier than ever but are forced to utilize less efficient protocols to accommodate the enhanced safety precautions. If you have not done so already, implementing virtual care services can help lighten the load and in many cases, are eligible for reimbursement through most commercial insurance plans. Using virtual care allows your team to triage patients and prioritize appointment requests as well as screen for COVID-19 symptoms safely and easily.

Make Mental Health Breaks a Priority

No matter how busy clinic may be, encourage your team to take time for mini-mental health breaks throughout the day – make sure you do, too! Simply taking some time for some fresh air, a short walk outside, music or reading can help boost your mood and can lead to increased efficiency and productivity.

Say Thank You

Showing and telling your team how much you appreciate their dedication and hard work goes a long way in keeping staff morale high. Whether you physically write out thank-you notes, or treat the office to donuts, coffee or a special lunch, it’s important to let your team know that you couldn’t make it through this without them.

Your practice is only as strong as your team. To get through this challenging year and continue to thrive in the future, it is critical to take steps to keep your team as engaged, happy and healthy as possible.

For additional help managing employee morale, contact our partner, EmPower HR by emailing: [email protected]

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